Post-Baccalaureate Research Program (PREP) Scholar
(262) 287-5554
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I recently graduated from Carthage College with a double major in Biology and Environmental Science (Conservation). During my time as an undergraduate student, I was a research student in Dr. Angela Dassow’s lab focusing on computational analysis of animal vocalizations, specific to the species Canis lupus and Nomascus nasutus. I have spent time camping in the lime-karst rainforests of northern Vietnam, hiking active and inactive volcanos in Nicaragua, and trekking though deep snow in the boundary waters for the sake of data collection for various projects.
This year, I was accepted as a Post-Baccalaureate Research Program (PREP) Scholar, and will be spending the year in Dr. Daniela Drummond-Barbosa’s lab working with Rodrigo Dutra-Nunes. Using the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, I will be working on identifying why a high glucose diet has an effect on fruit fly oogenesis and fertility.
I look forward to pursing a graduate degree following my PREP year that ties together my passion for ecology and research, and ultimately hope to contribute to the work of midwestern conservation agencies. Other characteristics of my myself include: ultimate frisbee enthusiast, avid podcast listener, less-than-amateur rock climber, and camping/outdoors lover.
2023 B.A. Biology and Environmental Science (Conservation) – Carthage College (Kenosha, WI)