After two years of virtual-only events at the Discovery Building, students and teachers from rural Wisconsin high schools returned in-person for the 16th annual Summer Science Camp.
Over three week-long camps, 67 students and 15 educators spent their days experiencing science firsthand. Activities encompassed topics ranging from stem cell differentiation to fluorescent microscopy to gene editing.
“We were anxiously awaiting the day we could welcome students back to camp in our building, and this summer did not disappoint,” says Sam Mulrooney, program manager at WARF and the Discovery Connections team.
In addition to the in-person camps, over 80 remote participants also tuned in to the Summer Science Camp Online Workshop Series, which covered topics such as quantum physics, materials science and engineering, biomedical imaging, and science communication.
“We have heard such resounding positive feedback—many include the phrase ‘life-changing’ when referring to our camp,” Mulrooney says. “It is truly an incredible opportunity that we are proud to continue to improve and evolve year after year.”