
Spurgeon ME*, Townsend EC* Blaine-Sauer SB, McGregor SM, Horswill M, den Boon JA, Ahlquist P, Kalan L, Lambert PF. Key aspects of papillomavirus infection influence the host cervicovaginal microbiome in a preclinical murine papillomavirus (MmuPV1) infection model. mBio. 2024. Jun 12;15(6):e0093324. PMID: 38742830 (*equal contribution)

Wang W*, Spurgeon ME*, Pope A, McGregor SM, Ward-Shaw E, Gronski E, Lambert PF. 2023. Stress keratin 17 and estrogen support viral persistence and modulate the immune microenvironment during cervicovaginal murine papillomavirus infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2023. 120(12):e2214225120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2214225120. PMID: 36917668 (*equal contribution)

Loke ASW, Lambert PF, Spurgeon ME. 2022. Current In Vitro and In Vivo Models to Study MCPyV-Associated MCC. Viruses. 2022. Oct; 14(10): 2204. PMID: 36298759 

Spurgeon ME, Cheng J, Ward-Shaw E, Dick FA, DeCaprio JA, Lambert PF. Merkel cell polyomavirus large T antigen binding to pRb promotes skin hyperplasia and tumor development. PLoS Pathogens. 2022. May 13;18(5):e1010551. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010551. PMID: 35560034

Spurgeon ME. Small DNA tumor viruses and human cancer: preclinical models of virus infection and disease. Tumour Virus Research. 2022. May 27;14:200239. doi: 10.1016/j.tvr.2022.200239. Review. PMID: 35636683 

Loke ASW, Longley BJ, Lambert PF, Spurgeon ME. A Novel In Vitro Culture Model System to Study Merkel Cell Polyomavirus–Associated MCC Using Three-Dimensional Organotypic Raft Equivalents of Human Skin. Viruses. 2021. Jan 19;13(1):138. PMID: 33478104 

Spurgeon ME, Liem A, Buehler D, Cheng J, DeCaprio JA, Lambert PF. The Merkel Cell Polyomavirus T Antigens Function as Tumor Promoters in Murine Skin. Cancers (Basel). 2021. Jan 9;13(2):222. PMID: 33435392 

Spurgeon ME and Lambert PF. MmuPV1: A New Frontier in Animal Models of Papillomavirus Pathogenesis. J. Virol. 2020. Apr 16;94(9):e00002-20. Review. PMID: 32051276 

Spurgeon ME and Lambert PF. Sexual transmission of murine papillomavirus (MmuPV1) in Mus musculus. eLife. 2019. Oct 17;8. pii: e50056. PMID: 31621578

Spurgeon ME*, Uberoi A*, McGregor SM, Wei T, Ward-Shaw E, Lambert PF. A Novel In Vivo Infection Model To Study Papillomavirus-Mediated Disease of the Female Reproductive Tract. mBio. 2019. Mar 5;10(2). PMID: 30837335 (*equal contribution)

Spurgeon ME, den Boon JA, Horswill M, Barthakur S, Forouzan O, Rader JS, Beebe DJ, Roopra A, Ahlquist P, Lambert PF. Human papillomavirus oncogenes reprogram the cervical cancer microenvironment independently of and synergistically with estrogen. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017.  24;114(43):E9076-E9085. PMID: 29073104

Spurgeon ME*, Cheng J*, Bronson RT, Lambert PF, and DeCaprio JA. Tumorigenic activity of Merkel cell polyomavirus T antigens expressed in the stratified epithelium of mice. Cancer Res. 2015. 75(6):1068-79. PMID: 25596282 (*equal contribution)