The first Morgridge Ethics Cartooning Competition invited entrants to make a cartoon on any ethical issue arising in or from biomedical research. The competition drew 41 entrants from more than 20 different departments and programs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and affiliated research institutions. Participation was limited to graduate students and postdoctoral scientists working in the biomedical sciences.
A panel of three judges has chosen 15 cartoons for display to the public. The judges applied the following three criteria:
- depiction and analysis of a research ethics issue
- humor
- artistry
Voting has closed. The three winners are:
- First Prize: Umair Khan
- Second Prize: Allwin McDonald
- Third Prize: Amber Zhou and Zafirah Zaidan
- Honorable Mentions: Ante Zhu and Timothy Colgan, Pooja Dnyaneshwar Bandawane
Please do not copy or use a cartoon without the author’s permission.