Suggested Bequest Language, Forms & Resources

Some planned gifts are simple to make. Others are more complex.

In order to make a bequest, please speak with your advisor(s) or attorney to include the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation in your estate plan. Whichever option suits your needs and interests, we aim to make it as simple as possible to create a legacy.

We have provided some sample language to assist you and your advisor(s) or attorney.

Basic Information

Legal Name

All charitable gifts should be directed to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, a Wisconsin non-profit corporation.

Federal Tax Identification Number


Mailing Address

Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation
Office of Development
330 North Orchard Street
Madison, WI 53715

For any questions about making your legacy gift, please contact Bill Swisher.

Bequest Basics and Sample Bequest Language

In order to make a bequest, please speak with your advisor(s) or attorney to include the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation in your estate plan. We have provided some sample language to assist you.

1. Specific Bequest

If you are considering making an outright bequest to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, we recommend the following language:

Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount

I hereby give, devise and bequeath $__________ to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located at 330 North Orchard Street, Madison, WI, 53715, Federal Tax ID #82-2760376, for the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation’s general use and purpose.

If interested in a bequest of specific property or real estate, please contact Bill Swisher at or (608) 316-4364.

2. Percentage Bequest

If you are considering making a bequest of a percentage of your estate to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, we recommend the following language:

I hereby give, devise and bequeath ______ percent of my total estate, determined as of the date of my death, to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located at 330 North Orchard Street, Madison, WI, 53715, Federal Tax ID #82-2760376, for the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation’s general use and purpose.

3. Residual Bequest

If you are considering making a residual bequest of your estate to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, we recommend the following language:

I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located at 330 North Orchard Street, Madison, WI, 53715, Federal Tax ID #82-2760376, [ ALL OR A PERCENTAGE ] of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used for the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation’s general use and purpose.

4. Contingent Bequest

If you are considering making a contingent bequest of your estate to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, we recommend the following language:

If [ PRIMARY BENEFICIARY ] does not survive me, then I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located at 330 North Orchard Street, Madison, WI, 53715, Federal Tax ID #82-2760376, [ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ] to be used for the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation’s general use and purpose.

5. Restricted Bequests

A restricted bequest is one that identifies a specific intended use for the gift. You may specify one of the program areas of the Morgridge Institute in your bequest, depending on what part of our mission you’re most passionate about.

Priority areas for specified giving include:

  • Engagement and Outreach Fund
  • Fellowship Fund
  • Research Fund

You may specify one of the focus areas of the Morgridge Institute in your bequest, depending on what part of our mission you’re most passionate about. If interested in directing your gift to an program or area not listed above, please contact Bill Swisher at or (608) 316-4364.

Regardless of restricted or general operating support, 100 percent of your bequeathed amount will go directly to the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation.

If you are making a restricted bequest, we recommend that your attorney include the following provision to give the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation flexibility should it no longer be possible for the Morgridge Institute for Research to use your gift as you originally intended:

If, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees at the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation, Inc., it shall become impossible for the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, the Morgridge Institute for Research Foundation may use the income and principal of this gift for such purpose or purposes as the Board determines is most closely related to the restricted purpose of my bequest.