Dave Pagliarini, director of the Metabolism Theme at the Morgridge Institute and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, won the Earl and Thressa Stadtman Young Scholar Award given by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).
Pagliarini and his lab take a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate uncharacterized mitochondrial proteins.
“I am quite honored to receive this award named after two scientists we should all strive to emulate,” Pagliarini says.
Mitochondria are complex and dynamic organelles that are essential to the survival of nearly every eukaryotic cell.
Dysfunction of these organelles can strongly contribute to some common metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders including Type II diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and many forms of cancer.
By combining classic biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics with large-scale proteomics and systems approaches, Pagliarini and his team of scientists endeavor to shed light on the basis of mitochondrial dysfunction in human disease and to establish mechanisms that drive essential mitochondrial pathways.
The award was established by friends and colleagues of the Stadtmans to preserve their legacies as scientists and mentors. It is issued every other year to recognize young scientists, like Pagliarini, with 10 years or less or postdoctoral experience, including medical residency and fellowship.
Pagliarini is given a plaque and an opportunity to present a lecture at the annual ASBMB meeting in San Diego in April next year.